Preparing For Your Newborn Session
Well, Momma, you did it, you delivered your little one and now it’s time for probably your first outing as a family! I know you have gone through so much these past few weeks, your body is recovering, and you probably haven’t slept very well, not to mention you are taking care of a little human who needs you for everything!
I want to put you at ease. Your newborn session should feel like a mini-vacation. I want to provide you with a calm, stress-free environment. This prep guide will help give you an idea of what to expect, and how to prepare for your newborn photo session. I will go over what to wear, what to bring, and what I have in my studio for your session.
By this time, I have already put several hours into your special day, stylizing, washing props and outfits, sanitizing my studio, putting together a workflow with poses and props, and customizing the session to your specific desires.
Prior to Your Session
For my full packages please prepare for a 2-3 hour session. I do run a baby-led session, which means I follow baby’s cues and watch for their body language and how to respond to keep the session running smoothly however I do make time for feeding and diaper changes. I suggest clearing your schedule for the day to avoid over-stimulation prior to the session, clearing your schedule will also allow for time if the session runs longer than anticipated.
Please inform me of any medical issues that I need to be aware of to help me prepare better for you and your baby. A medical issue may change the way that I pose baby and work through my workflow. If baby will be circumcised please schedule with healing time in mind.
If breastfeeding avoid caffeine & carbonated drinks and gassy & spicy foods 24 hours prior to session.
What to Wear
We have probably already had a stylization consultation and discussed a theme or color pallet for your session. If I have sent you a color pallet anything in that pallet will be perfect.
I like to take this opportunity to help you “fit the theme” too. For example if your session is boho or vintage, I like to recommend a white or neutral colored flowy dress. Dad wearing a complementing colored button down or white fitted shirt, if you would like a classic or studio look, I would suggest a white fitted shirt.
I also have a client closet with a variety of dresses to choose from. If you choose to make a selection from my client closet I will have the dress cleaned and prepped prior to your arrival.
Typically we try to avoid busy patterns. If you are incorporating a pattern into your family photos, I suggest a “simple” pattern, and for only one member to wear a pattern. In bigger groups, more than one person can wear a pattern, this is ok especially if the patterns match. If you are still struggling in trying to find something to wear I can put together a full wardrobe for you, and your family.
What to Bring
I know you have so much on your mind these past few weeks, so I want to make this session as stress-free as possible.
There are only a few things you’ll need to bring for your little one. If baby is taking a bottle bring some extra formula, or pumped breast milk. If you are nursing baby I have a boppy for supported nursing.
If you have a pacifier it’s a great tool to help soothe baby while getting them into those perfect little poses, however, if your little one doesn’t take a pacifier or you don't feel comfortable offering it, that’s ok, it’s not a must. I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve to keep baby happy and content. On the topic of items specific to your little one, make sure you bring any special diaper cream your baby is using. I have a generic one on hand, however, if your baby has one that is working for them, bring it.
Please bring baby to the session in a button/zipper-down sleeper. I know they have dozens of cute outfits and you are more than welcome to bring a cute outfit for them to wear home from their session, but the convenience of them wearing an easy sleeper makes undreading them for their session so much easier.
It’s always recommended to bring an extra change of clothes for you in case we have an accident. Babies can be unpredictable so it’s good to just be prepared.
If we’ve discussed incorporating family heirlooms or anything sentimental, make sure you pack those too. Some ideas of what you can bring (something to represent a rainbow baby, grandmas’ quilt or sentimental item from mom or dad, work uniform, etc. If you have something special you want to incorporate and don’t know how, please let me know and I can add it to the workflow.
To help make your session day a little easier I put together an easy copy-and-paste checklist for you.
Milly’s Mommy wanted to incorporate her Grandmother quilt into her photos.
Newborn Session Check List
Extra Formula or Breast Milk
Pacifier (if baby takes one)
Extra Change of Clothes
Any Specific Diaper Cream or Product used on baby
Special Items to incorporate into photos
Diet Specific Snacks
Breast Pump (in the rare case the session takes a little longer than expected)
My Studio
I have a fully stocked studio. I provide all the baby essentials, wipes, diapers (newborn and premie), diaper cream, a hair brush, boppy and cover for nursing moms, burp cloths, bottle warmer and extra pacifiers.
I have a variety of newborn specific props, newborn outfits, backdrops, wraps, hats, bonnets, headbands and halos all at your disposal. By this this I have laid out sets for you that fit the theme or color pallet you have chosen, however if you see something you would like me to use, please let me know and I will incorporate it into my work flow.
I also have my studio stocked for all Mommies needs too. I provide a catered experience with finger foods and drinks, as well as stocked restroom with all the postpartum essentials. If you are feeling uncomfortable and would like and ice or heating pad I have those available for you too, you just need to ask.
If siblings are included in photos we will do family photos first. Because newborn session take up to 3 hours, if one parents wants to take siblings home after their portion of the session that is an options. If not, I do have snack and entertainment for your little ones.
What to Expect
The morning of the session try to keep baby up as much as possible. I understand that car rides can put baby to sleep so don’t stress if baby takes a cat nap. Once you arrive and get settled in, I will provide you with a private area to nurse or bottle feed your little one. After their full and sleepy, I will change babi’s diaper, and swaddle them for the first portion of the session.
We will typically start with the family portion of your session. We will do parent poses (2-3 variations), family poses and then siblings. This portion of the session only takes around 15 to 20 minutes.
During the Mommy poses I will ask several times about your comfort level, especially for my c-section mommy’s, as your mobility is limited. If you are ever feeling any pain please let me know. I will get you in the pose before placing baby in your arms to minimize the risk of dropping a baby due to pain. All of my poses are safe for postpartum mommies, but you know your limitations. You will not be doing any poses that will cause any stress to your post-baby body. We go at your pace.
Once we are finished with the family portion of the session I will heat up my studio to a comfortable temperature for your little one. This temperature may be too warm for you. This is wear that extra change of cloths come in handy. I also have a living room area you are welcome to relax in.
Depending on the workflow I have for your session we will either do prop poses or backdrop poses. Rest assured that I have had extensive training on how to pose baby safely. Your child is never worth the perfect shot to me, your little ones’ safety is always my priority.
During your session please don’t feel stressed if your little one is not cooperating. Typically after the family photos, they are fast asleep, if not I have a variety of techniques to help your little one go to sleep.
Newborn Mini Session
A mini session is very similar to my standard newborn session, it just doesn’t include the family portion and has a few less setups. I do want to add this disclaimer and let you know that if you have been wanting to get those family photos during your newborn session, it is never too late to upgrade to a full session. Those first family photos are so special and can’t be replicated at a feature time. After 3 months your little one is probably not going to want to be swaddled up in those newborn poses anymore. If you want to have those sweet sleepy family poses this is your time to get them. Especially for first time parents who are experiencing their first little one. I only add this disclaimer because I have had so many families look back and wish they would have gotten those family photos.
With that said your newborn mini session will include 2 backdrop sets and 1 to 2 props sets depending on the props you have requested. By this time I have spend several hours stylizing your session to fit your unique requests.
Once you arrive I will show you around my home studio and make sure you are comfortable. Your session will have complementary charcuterie board and sparkling cider, so make yourself at home! I want this to be a relaxing and luxurious experience for you. Think of it as your celebration part for making it to this point!
After you are settled in we will get started. I’ll start with prop poses and then move on to the backdrop poses. During your session, if your little one is not settling please don’t feel stressed. It’s natural for a baby to cry, it’s their way of communicating to tell us what’s wrong. Once your little one is settled we will continue the session. I have allotted enough time to work through the hiccups and get those perfect shots.